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Tribal Consultation Opportunities

Safe Drinking Water Act: Consumer Confidence Reports (CCR)

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The Tribal Consultation Opportunities Tracking System (TCOTS) publicizes upcoming and current EPA consultation opportunities for tribal governments and Alaska Native Corporations. The goal of TCOTS is to provide early notification and transparency on EPA consultations. TCOTS allows users to download, view, and sort information on a consultation. Please click on a consultation entry for additional information. To get email notifications on upcoming EPA consultation opportunities, join our TCOTS Listserv:


Most Recent

  • 1 - 22 of 22
TopicStartEndScopeLead Office
Permit Application under MPRSA for a Scientific Research Activity Offshore of MA and NH14-FEB-2411-JUL-24RegionalOW
Community Grant: Pima County’s Stormwater Drain Project12-JUN-2412-JUL-24RegionalRegion 09
Yurok Tribe's Assertion of Authority to Administer Provisions of the Clean Water Act15-APR-2419-JUL-24RegionalRegion 09
Indian Reservation Drinking Water Program21-MAY-2422-JUL-24NationalOW
Community Grants Projects in Las Vegas, NV area25-JUN-2425-JUL-24RegionalRegion 09
Revisions to statewide Nevada Water Quality Standards Criteria27-JAN-2326-JUL-24RegionalRegion 09
NPDES Permit for the CEMEX Construction Materials Pacific13-SEP-2131-JUL-24RegionalRegion 09
Community Grant: Eastern Municipal Water District Sewer Infrastructure Project26-APR-2431-JUL-24RegionalRegion 09
California Water Resources Control Board’s amendments to the Bay-Delta Water Quality Control Plan19-MAY-2301-AUG-24RegionalRegion 09
AK Human Health Criteria Promulgation Proposal ANCSA Consultation06-JUN-2409-AUG-24ANCRegion 10
AK Human Health Criteria Promulgation Proposal Tribal Consultation06-JUN-2409-AUG-24RegionalRegion 10
Proposed Establishment of the National Tribal Caucus (NTC) Under the Federal Advisory Committee Act11-APR-2409-AUG-24NationalOITA
EPA Action on Oregon 2024 CWA 303(d) Impaired Waters List13-MAY-2431-AUG-24RegionalRegion 10
Tribal Consultation - The Clean Water Indian Set-Aside Emerging Contaminant Program01-JUL-2406-SEP-24RegionalRegion 09
Florida Human Health Criteria09-FEB-2330-SEP-24RegionalRegion 04
Consultation on Proposed UIC Permit Issuance to Sandstone Development (Upper Allegheny Watershed)18-MAR-2430-SEP-24RegionalRegion 03
Navajo Nation CAA Prevention of Significant Deterioration Permit - EPNG Window Rock Compressor Stn07-DEC-2331-DEC-24RegionalRegion 09
Coachella Valley Ozone NAAQS 2008 & 2015 reclassification28-SEP-2231-DEC-24RegionalRegion 09
Designating Areas for the 2024 Revised Primary Annual Fine Particulate Matter NAAQS - EPA Region 315-FEB-2407-FEB-25RegionalRegion 03
Designating Areas for the 2024 Revised Primary Annual Fine Particulate Matter NAAQS - EPA Region 420-FEB-2407-FEB-25NationalRegion 04
St. Regis Superfund Site Preferred Remedial Alternative (Soil) in Operable Units 1 and 214-FEB-2331-DEC-25RegionalRegion 05
NTEC Energy Generation Plant Clean Air Act Tribal Minor New Source Review Permit Application31-JAN-2431-DEC-25RegionalRegion 09
  • 1 - 22 of 22